The 4 Disciplines of Execution
The 4 Disciplines of Execution Implementation teaches leaders how to help their teams execute on their highest priorities in the midst of the day-to-day whirlwind. We find that teaching leaders to deliver and implement the process with their teams, they "own the process" at a deeper level and the results are often groundbreaking.

Establish a Clear Line of Sight to Your Wildly Important Goals
It takes incredible discipline to execute a strategic goal in any organization. But it takes even more discipline to do so again and again. Creating a culture of execution means embedding four basic disciplines into your organization. Every level needs to institutionalize a common approach.

The Process
The 4 Disciplines of Execution process begins with the three key areas. The outcome of each step will determine the best approach on the next step.
Apply The 4 Disciplines of Execution to align the organization behind the strategy
Choose the primary Wildly Important Goal (WIG) and the fewest number of subordinate WIGs
Build team scoreboards based on the team WIGs (virtual or physical)
Team members learn how to make high-quality commitments
Learn how to run and begin holding weekly WIG meetings
Leaders learn and use executive scoreboards to support team success
Consultants coach teams to improve process effectiveness and leader involvement